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How to Download a Movie?

STEP 1 - Search the Movie

Search the movie you need using the search bar. There is one on top of every page.
You can search movies by Movie Name or Director or Starcast

STEP 2 - Select a Category

If you don't have a specific movie in mind, You can look at our entire movie list.
Select a category(Bollywood or Hollywood), You can sort the movie By Latest Updated or By Release Date or By Alpha or By Most Downloaded

STEP 3.1 - Sort the Movie List

After you've seleted a movielist you can sort the list by By a specific Actor/Actress or By a specific Director or By a Genre or By a Year

STEP 3.2 - Select a Movie

Select a movie name you'd like to view.

STEP 4.1 - View Movie Details and Select a Movie Format

After selecting a movie name, You can view all the details about the movie.
Then you need to select a video format according to your Mobile/Tablet compatibility i.e.3gp or High Mp4

STEP 4.2 - Once you've selected a format, Select the file

Select a video quality, Just go with the top most quality as that is the highest quality available.

STEP 5 - Select if you would like to Download or Stream

On this page, You need to select wheather you want to Download or Stream a movie

STEP 6 - Download the File

If you selected download, Just click on 1st download link as we arrange them in according to number of connections